This video contains a lot of last events. Our last days for
our Mission trip, 2008. Our last morning devotional,
our last VBS classes, last Ladies classes, our last shopping,
our last hugs, last tears.
It also includes the first of hopefully many teen campaigns
at the just finished church in La Sosa.
I've used the music of Acappella. Their web site is
The Acappella Company. They have three Spanish
albums, "Caminando En La Luz", "Acappella En Espanol",
and "Voces". I must say that "Voces" is my favorite!
I thought this would be the last video, but I now have pictures
from Michael Lechuga. He is an excellent photographer and
I couldn't leave his pics out! Thanks to everyone for their prayers.
Thank You God for allowing us to go on this special trip.
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Carole & David