It is located about 20 minutes from Catacamas, in a very poor community. Cary(seen in the picture above, way back in the corner), from Jacksboro worked several days with Jose (and others I don't know) to put a roof on the building.
Our group went there in the morning, towards the end of our trip, and we were sad that we were running out of colors. Suyapa had some left from the previous year, and she brought those. We usually give each child colors to keep, and it just crushed our hearts that we didn't have some to leave with these sweet kids. So, since we only had about 40 colors, total, they had to share. There were about 50 children and we actually had a lot of adults stay for our children's Bible lesson on the armor of God. When they were done coloring, many tried to give the colors back to us.
Bless their hearts, it was so humbling to see how they enjoyed coloring, then didn't even expect to keep the colors. Next time, we will be sure to take more colors and those children (and adults) will get to keep what we bring them.
Thank you God for the church family in el Encino and please bless them for their sweet spirits.