David had to work today, and just got in, so he's pretty tired.
We've already had some changes in our plan. We will be staying Monday night in Tegucigalpa, instead of riding 8 +/- hours in a bus. So, ok, well still be riding that long in a bus, but it will be over 2 days. Also, we will leave early Sunday, June 22nd and again spend the night in Tegu. This will allow for some time to shop at the mall, or, go to the hospital and see Enrique. He's the young man who had his leg amputated after a motorcycle/auto accident. They finally did surgery Thursday night. We have 4 RNs and 1 nursing student traveling with our group and they are all anxious to check things out.
I had a slight accident myself Thursday morning. My friend Connie and I got hybrid bikes several weeks ago. I've already got 75 miles on it! Anyway, we were riding the Fort Richard State Park trail. It goes from the state park to the lake. We got on the trail about 2 miles from the State Park and road towards the park. There is a lot of gravel or "chat" on the trail and in some places, it gathers or "pools" and sure enough, I hit one just rignt and fell. (see picture below) When I looked at my hand and there was a piece of gravel imbedded under the flesh of my palm, I thought of Enrique. Of course, his injuries are MUCH worse than mine, I didn't have any broken bones, just hamburger looking leg with a really big bruise and several skinned spots on my hand. After the wreck, we kept going, got to the state park and back home again. I've iced and medicated it, but it still looks bad. Really messed up the good tan I had going. Laronda and I rode the same trail again this morning without incident. ;o)
OK, just a reminder that we need lots of prayers. We appreciate all who are praying for our safety and the success of our mission.
Also, want to say a big THANK YOU to Bob and Roxanna. They are letting us their cargo trailer to haul our luggage to the airport. THANKS, again.
AND, I mentioned that Tommy & John L. were driving us to the airport, but now it will be Tommy and Bill. Thanks Guys!!!
FYI - Mom, I have 1 bag packed so far!!!
David just asked me from our bedroom "Have you seen our bed?" Oops! It's covered with clothes I haven't packed yet. Guess I'd better go for now. Love to all and Compartir Esperanza
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