Anyone that has been in a foreign country should really appreciate and be grateful for the country we live in. Not that others aren't, but it just seems to make it more special when you see first hand how other countries are.
Anyway, Eddie, Kirstel & Brayden came over Sunday for hamburgers and then, everyone went home, except Lindsay.
We had VBS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was a group leader and the first night we had 10 kids from 4 to 10 in our "orange" group. Tuesday brought four more. We had a good group and they were all good kids.
Thursday, Lindsay and I met Kristel and Brayden and Katherine at Build-A-Bear in Fort Worth. Shelby didn't have a bear, so we made her a Shelby "Honey" Bear. Lindsay got a doll and Brayden got an elephant. Forgot my camera, rats!
Thursday night, I told Lindsay we needed to get her things ready to go home. She wanted to stay, but I reminded her that she was missed at home. On the way, we stopped and ate chicken. She had corn on the cob. Or as she said "cob on the corn". This is something she heard from someone else and she thought it was soooo funny! ;o)
And sure enough, when Shelby saw her sister, she broke out in a big grin! She liked her bear, too. I'll get back to the rest of our Honduras trip soon!
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