Monday, August 25, 2008


Laronda, Bill, Connie and I rode the 25 mile stretch in the
HHH race on Saturday. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it when I woke up after hearing my doorbell ring at 5:22 am. My alarm was supposed to go off at 4:50 am and it didn't! So, needless to say, I was a little frustrated, forgot my blood pressure meds and dropped my shoe as I was running out the door.
But, we made it with lots of time to spare. I took this picture of Laronda and I with my cel phone. Should have let Bill of Connie take it, because it's kind of shaky.

Here is one of Bill and Connie. I should have gotten on the other side, but didn't. Anyway...

We had lots of fun. It was a nice, mostly flat ride. Not many hills. Laronda wants to do the 50 mile next year. We'll see. Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise! And we get in lots of practice between now and then....

I'll get some of the pics Laronda took and add them later.

I guess the best part (besides the finish line) was going through Sheppard Airforce Base. After the rest stop, (5 miles from the finish line) cadets lined the street and cheered and clapped and inspired us to ride on! Connie told Dickie if he'd do that every morning, she'd get up and fix him breakfast, but I don't see how he's going to get those cadets to come to Jacksboro and do that!

Here is the official link

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