Sunday, December 7, 2008
Some recipes
1 1/2 Boxes unsalted saltine crackers (not the cheap kind, they will crumble)
1 1/3 Cup Canola Oil
2 Tbsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 Tbsp coarse garlic powder
1 pkg dry Ranch Dressing Mix
Combine Oil, red pepper flakes, garlic and dressing mix. Mix well. Put all crackers in no smaller than 2 gallon ziploc bag. (you could use garbage bags, which you will need to double.) Pour liquid mix over crackers. Seal bag. Turn the crackers until all are coated. This may take awhile. Just turn the crackers gently, in the bag let the sit awhile, then turn them again, and again and again, until well coated. Store in air tight container.
Peach Cobbler
1 large can sliced peaches, drained
2 or 3 cans crescent rolls
1 stick butter, melted
1 cup sugar
1 can Sprite
Spray a 9 x 13 pan with Pam. unroll the crescent roll. Put one peach slice on the big end of the triangle and roll up. Place in pan. Do the same with the rest of the peaches. Combine melted butter and sugar and pour over peaches. Pour sprite directly over batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or so, until golden brown.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Last night they finished topping off West Belknap, from downtown east toward Graham.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pray for the United States of America and Obama
"Well, dear friends, we have spent the last few months praying for the outcome of this election and obviously, God chose to allow a man who in our judgment was not right, to become president of our great nation. We don't understand why, but our job now is to pray for him (for some, a difficult thing) and pray for our country. I don't know if God is teaching us something or if possibly Obama won't be as bad as we think, but praise God anyway. If Job could praise God after losing his children and all he had, we can praise God in the loss of this election. Remember that God can see the big picture and we can't (Romans 8:28 And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, [even] to them that are called according to [His] purpose. )! Please continue to join us in fervent prayer today for the future of our nation...and for our new president."
Carole & David
Found this post on the Internet Cafe Devotions for today. Thought it was very good. Hope you do to! (you may have to copy the link and paste it in the address bar)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween and all.
So, what's a boo?
I'll quote Jenni who quoted Drama Mama who quoted...who knows!
Now, this is how the Blogging Boo will work. Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "Boo-ed". Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to "Boo" their friends. Then, put the picture in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been "Boo-ed" and to send the pic to someone else.
So, are you scared yet!!?? BOO!!
Okay? one more time......
1. Take picture, put on sidebar
2. Tell people they have been booed
3. Link back to who booed you
Okay- Get to BOOING!
So there you have it! Enjoy!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ruidoso, Strep, what else...
We celebrated Mamaw's birthday and Brayden helped her blow out the candle.
I posted a slide show of the pictures we all took. Look on the right side of this page under slideshow - Ruidoso 10-08.
We stopped in Big Spring and saw Granddad and Nana. Got this Four Generation pic.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Prayers Needed
Louis Thornton
Robert Fenter - final stages of brain cancer
Blu & Callie (Blu deploys today for Iraq) & their families
Phyllis, broke her ankle and had surgery last Friday.
(Don't know her name, but still pray for her. A lady that fell at the volleyball game. She broke her neck and is paralyzed)
Angie & Ryan (are moving to Chicago)
Cynthia (her grandkids and family are moving to Chicago)
Kristen lost her step-dad.
I think that is all, at least all I got written down. They all can use your prayers and the more the better.
10-21-08 FOLLOWUP!!!
Louis Thornton is doing better, they finally did a chemo type treatment and he may get to go home later this week.
Robert passed away and his family is in our prayers.
Callie is working on her Masters while Blu is in Iraq. Keep them in your prayers.
Denzi is doing ok.
Debbie had gall bladder surgery.
Craig had double by-pass surgery.
Mary is doing well.
Phyllis is still on crutches, but is improving.
The lady that fell has passed away and her family is in our prayers.
Angie and Ryan are looking for a house in Chicago.
Keep Cynthia in your prayers.
Remember Kristen and her family in your prayers.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
At Grandad Hobdy's
Just a swinging! This was Shelby's first visit at Grandad and Nana Hobdy's! She is named after Grandad (Shelby Drew)!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Lindsay's First day of Kindergarten

Monday, August 25, 2008 was Lindsay's first day of Kindergarten! She's been waiting a long time for this day. When she was staying with us this past summer, she told me that she is upset every morning she gets up and she still isn't old enough to go to school.
So, Monday she got up and she was finally old enough!
Here's wishing you lots of good days (& years) ahead of you!
Monday, August 25, 2008

Here is the official link

Friday, August 15, 2008
This is the last video......or not
our Mission trip, 2008. Our last morning devotional,
our last VBS classes, last Ladies classes, our last shopping,
our last hugs, last tears.
It also includes the first of hopefully many teen campaigns
at the just finished church in La Sosa.
I've used the music of Acappella. Their web site is
The Acappella Company. They have three Spanish
albums, "Caminando En La Luz", "Acappella En Espanol",
and "Voces". I must say that "Voces" is my favorite!
I thought this would be the last video, but I now have pictures
from Michael Lechuga. He is an excellent photographer and
I couldn't leave his pics out! Thanks to everyone for their prayers.
Thank You God for allowing us to go on this special trip.
Compartir Esperanza ( to Share Hope)
Carole & David
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Juan Carlos' kids....
Slide show 4
Thursday we took food bags to families in the Hormiguero and La Sosa areas. One group went to schools and put on VBS and again, some went to construction projects.
Construction video from Honduras
The 2nd video from Honduras was from Wednesday. One group went to the mountain areas of Las Cabas and Las Playas de Sante Fe. One group went to several schools for VBS and some guys went to construction.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
So, I took a break...
Anyone that has been in a foreign country should really appreciate and be grateful for the country we live in. Not that others aren't, but it just seems to make it more special when you see first hand how other countries are.
Anyway, Eddie, Kirstel & Brayden came over Sunday for hamburgers and then, everyone went home, except Lindsay.
We had VBS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was a group leader and the first night we had 10 kids from 4 to 10 in our "orange" group. Tuesday brought four more. We had a good group and they were all good kids.
Thursday, Lindsay and I met Kristel and Brayden and Katherine at Build-A-Bear in Fort Worth. Shelby didn't have a bear, so we made her a Shelby "Honey" Bear. Lindsay got a doll and Brayden got an elephant. Forgot my camera, rats!
Thursday night, I told Lindsay we needed to get her things ready to go home. She wanted to stay, but I reminded her that she was missed at home. On the way, we stopped and ate chicken. She had corn on the cob. Or as she said "cob on the corn". This is something she heard from someone else and she thought it was soooo funny! ;o)
And sure enough, when Shelby saw her sister, she broke out in a big grin! She liked her bear, too. I'll get back to the rest of our Honduras trip soon!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Honduras videos
Monday, June 30, 2008
Been home a week now.
We gathered at the church and loaded the trailer loaned to us by Bob and Roxanna and headed for Dallas Love Field. From the Jacksboro area are Vicky, David and me, Phyllis, Brent, Laronda, John, Evan and Leslie and Mike from Wichita Falls. Melanie had baked muffins for us and Michael and Trey decorated bags and put apples in them for a send-off surprise. Tommy & Bill drove and we really appreciate them getting up that early. We left around 2 am and met up with the rest of our group from the Naples area. Those included Brittany (who is actually from Wichita Falls), Mac, Debbie, Connie, Darrell, Donna, Damon, Artie, Yvonne, Frank, Todd, Anna, Toni, Phillip, Ginger, Kayden, Cassidy and Richard.
Honduras Maya's Pool
More to come... Tuesday, etc...
Monday, June 23, 2008
OK, I just had to post this...
So, I'm gonna shower and hit the bed asap.
Compartir Esperanza!
Carole & David
Home Again!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tuesday Morning
We spent the night in a REALLY nice hotel and we just finished breakfast and will be hitting the road to Catacamas around 9:00. Honduras is in the same time zone as Texas, but they don´t observe daylight savings. This hotel has internet, but getting used to a spanish keyboard is quite a chore. I do at least have a proof reader, reading this over my shoulder, so if there are any mistakes, it´s his fault! lol
Keep the prayers going!!! Thanks to all!
Love, Carole & David
Sunday, June 15, 2008
OK, So I'm not a proof reader...
"Graduation night
The Jacksboro High School Class of 2008 performs “??” for parents, friends, teachers and members of the community during Friday night’s graduation ceremony. Commencement also included presentation of scholarships and other accolades, speeches and a fond farewell from the graduates."
So, if anyone knows exactly what song "??" is, I would like to hear it. If anyone wants to volunteer to proofread my material, come on by. I'm going to keep my day jobs..... ;o)
Compartir Esperanza
Saturday, June 14, 2008
This time tomorrow...
David had to work today, and just got in, so he's pretty tired.
We've already had some changes in our plan. We will be staying Monday night in Tegucigalpa, instead of riding 8 +/- hours in a bus. So, ok, well still be riding that long in a bus, but it will be over 2 days. Also, we will leave early Sunday, June 22nd and again spend the night in Tegu. This will allow for some time to shop at the mall, or, go to the hospital and see Enrique. He's the young man who had his leg amputated after a motorcycle/auto accident. They finally did surgery Thursday night. We have 4 RNs and 1 nursing student traveling with our group and they are all anxious to check things out.
I had a slight accident myself Thursday morning. My friend Connie and I got hybrid bikes several weeks ago. I've already got 75 miles on it! Anyway, we were riding the Fort Richard State Park trail. It goes from the state park to the lake. We got on the trail about 2 miles from the State Park and road towards the park. There is a lot of gravel or "chat" on the trail and in some places, it gathers or "pools" and sure enough, I hit one just rignt and fell. (see picture below) When I looked at my hand and there was a piece of gravel imbedded under the flesh of my palm, I thought of Enrique. Of course, his injuries are MUCH worse than mine, I didn't have any broken bones, just hamburger looking leg with a really big bruise and several skinned spots on my hand. After the wreck, we kept going, got to the state park and back home again. I've iced and medicated it, but it still looks bad. Really messed up the good tan I had going. Laronda and I rode the same trail again this morning without incident. ;o)
OK, just a reminder that we need lots of prayers. We appreciate all who are praying for our safety and the success of our mission.
Also, want to say a big THANK YOU to Bob and Roxanna. They are letting us their cargo trailer to haul our luggage to the airport. THANKS, again.
AND, I mentioned that Tommy & John L. were driving us to the airport, but now it will be Tommy and Bill. Thanks Guys!!!
FYI - Mom, I have 1 bag packed so far!!!
David just asked me from our bedroom "Have you seen our bed?" Oops! It's covered with clothes I haven't packed yet. Guess I'd better go for now. Love to all and Compartir Esperanza
Sunday, June 8, 2008
One Week to Go!
Because of the crash in Tegucigalpa, May 30, 2008, we will be landing at San Pedro Sula. Our sympathy goes out to those hurt or killed in the plane crash. ( Here is a clip of a good landing at Tegu.) I've been told that the airport in San Pedro is on nice, flat land, so we pray that our plane landing is uneventful. We also pray that our bus trip, which is extended from 4 hours to 8 hours is uneventful.
No telling what time we will arrive in Catacamas, but we are all ready to get busy with the Lord's work there.
To Share Hope
That is our mission for this trip.
Carole & David